Thursday, March 27, 2008


Descubrió que también su madre se clavaba las uñas en la cabeza hasta sangrarse

se sintió más  sola que nunca...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Fe de erratas

me he equivocado toda mi vida

1) Pensé que Sabina me había escrito sus canciones

2) He creído que El Olvido se encuentra al fondo de una botella de tequila del mismo nombre

3) He hablado con Dios

4) Creía que hacer listas era poético y que ser prosaíco también era un arte

5) Me han dado gato por liebre

6) Pensaba que la verga era el mástil de un barco

7) Quize viajar en barco contigo...

8) Pensé que era romántico morir de hambre

9) Me he sentido dueña de todo (hasta de mi misma) y me he comprobado mendiga

10) He confesado mis errores

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mi traducción de dos poemas de Benedetti


How am I to believe / inquired John Doe
That utopias are long gone

How am I to believe
That hope’s oblivion
That pleasure’s woe

How am I to believe / inquired John Doe
That universe is a shipwreck
yet it is
That death is silence
yet it is

How am I to believe
That horizon’s frontier
That ocean’s nobody
That night’s nothing

How am I to believe / inquired John Doe
That your body / Jane Doe
Is nothing more but what I touch
And that this love
Your remote love addressed to me
Is not your eyes` nudity
your hands` parsimony

How am I to believe / Jane Doe from dawn
That you’re only what I gaze at,
What I caress I seek I penetrate

How am I to believe / inquired John Doe
That utopias are no more
If it’s you / my darling daring
eternal Jane Doe
You are my utopia


Jane Doe, if you ever leave me…

Jane Doe if you left me for another man
I / John Doe / would not kill myself
Only, would I follow you through night
Through all paths and routes, and dunes
You in laughter and I perhaps in pain
Till you’re in pain and I in laughter
When the footprints that I chase aren’t
Two big ones and two small ones
But barely your sweet little footprints
And then would I appear by your side
And you / with that guilt that makes you
Even prettier / would forgive yourself
To cry as always on my shoulder